Monday, April 11, 2011
Spring at CCE PTA
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Looking for you!
Board positions that are open include:
- Corporate Contributions
- Historian
- Membership
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Reflections
- Business Partnerships
- Treasurer
- Hospitality (Boo Hoo Breakfast, Faculty Breakfast)
- Ways & Means (Fundraising)
So many of these positions are key to our ability to provide strong, solid programs to the students such as this year's bullying assembly, funding for books for the reading programs like Battle of the Books, Arts Extravaganza, Rockets and Recorders for Science and Music. Please consider donating any amount of time you can offer to help us keep these going. "Job descriptions" are noted below for your reference:
Business Partnerships - This is a new role to our group but a very important one. This person uses their skill at sales & marketing to help us gather business sponsors through coupons, on-site events, and monetary donations that help cover the costs of the programs the PTA provides all year long. We honor those business partners on our PTA website and make sure we provide visibility to them for their donations. This person also is a key contact for other PTA teams who need business sponsor coupons and goodies throughout the year so that we don't hit up one company or another multiple times unfairly.
Corporate Contributions - This is related to the Box Tops, ink cartridge, cell phone contests we have. About 3 times a year we send in all those Box Tops and so on to the vendors who send us back a check to help us fund those important programs mentioned above. This is a job that can often be done at home on your schedule with some interaction at the school during the day or during extended day for pick up of those products.
Historian - this position creates the Scrapbook we keep for each year's events. Taking pictures at the events is often a key method for getting those memories but we have the digital camera and lots of people to help make that happen even if you prefer to do the scrapbook itself.
Hospitality - This team helps provide the very important Boo Hoo Breakfast for our incoming kindergarten parents as well as key appreciation breakfasts for volunteers and faculty throughout the year. We have 1 team member now but need to locate a 2nd person to help make these events more manageable.
Membership - This team has 2 people on it but we need additional hands to get through that crunch at the beginning of the school year. This team coordinates the stuffing of membership packets prior to the beginning of the school year as well as handling the classroom parties for membership contests we hold during September. The work this team does often requires daytime onsite time from the team members.
Reflections - This activity is a focused event that occurs during late Fall into January. Reflections is an artistic contest for the students of CCE related to a theme determined by the DCC Reflections committee. The students create their artistic product related to the theme and the person who chairs this event coordinates the incoming Reflections contest materials, the final decisions and the communication of the winners to the CCE parents in January. We have a full binder of "how to" material to help complete this event by our current chair so if you take this on, you won't be at a loss for what to do and when to do it.
Treasurer - This is a key position in our Executive Board that requires check signing, checkbook balancing (monthly), treasury updates to the board at our meetings, and key time commitments during Carnival for deposit handling. This person takes deposits to the bank for us and handles verification of all committee deposits provided by other teams during events that they chair (such as Valentine's Dance, Family Night Dinners, etc). If you have a knack for numbers and time to support us in this role, please let us know.
Volunteer Coordinators - We have 2 members on this committee but need 2 more to complete the team. These individuals help us all year long by coordinating our volunteer needs through emails, phone calls & in-person communication with the PTA members who have completed a Volunteer Interest Form at the beginning of the school year. The time commitment here can be handled numerous ways so don't let the thought of an "all year commitment" scare you off. Emails are often the easiest way to reach out to our parents and the work for this committee can often be done on your schedule.
Ways & Means (Fundraising) - We are losing 1 or both of our team members on this committee this year and we certainly cannot move forward with any of our programs without a successful fundraising event in every school year. We need 1-2 members to help us create awesome and enticing fundraising concepts to take into next year to excite our student & parent population. We have plenty of materials for this team to take with them into next year to start with as well as help from past Ways & Means committee chairs. Please consider helping with a single fundraising event or as the chair for the year.
Thank you for considering working with us in 2011-12! We appreciate your support.
Jackie Weaver
PTA President 2010-11
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Upcoming February Excitement!
January 2011
We wrapped hundreds of gifts, passed them out during a CCE event at the Academic Resource Center in mid-December to the delight and very thankful families in attendance. Additional giving was also done through used clothing and food drive offerings at the center that day.
Liz Duncan and her Holiday Helpers did a superb job of pulling this event off in record time, without nearly a hitch! Santa Claus - watch out! We have a local Santa of our own and she's pretty great.
Thank you is such a small word as Liz says, but thank you to everyone who participated in this activity for the 2010 holidays. Your help is immensely appreciated and you provided kindness and support to so many people that didn't know where to turn for help.
January 2011 is off to a great start. The 1st PTA Family Night for 1st, 3rd and 4th grades on January 13th was held with an awesome BBQ Dinner provided by Tim & Kelly Moore. Take out was a new offering for dinner this year and allowed more families to partake in the event even if they weren't able to attend the activities later that evening. 1st grade families got to attend a movie in their child's classrooms "The Magic Bus gets Lost in Space" which thrilled our young audiences. A special thrill was available to anyone who got to view Jupiter through a 1st rate telescope outback on the basketball courts that night as well!
3rd and 4th grade parents got to attend informational sessions about the upcoming FCAT writes and reads on the 13th in addition to a Family Photo event provided by Scott Russell Photography.
1st grade sleepover was held on January 20th with the Constellation Ball attended by everyone that afternoon after a parade and day of science and astronomy-related activities in their various classroom centers.